Masson is a full-service branding and content marketing studio.

Masson was inspired by a quote from one of the founders of DDB, Bill Bernbach. He said, “You can say the right thing about a product and nobody will listen. You've got to say it in such a way that people will feel it in their gut. Because if they don't feel it, nothing will happen.”

That's what we do—make people feel something in their gut so that they don’t just get inspired but take that feeling and do something with it. In marketing speak, they take an action.

Today, brands have unbelievable reach. Our mission is to put your best foot forward everywhere your audience spends their time, to raise awareness, drive leads, and build loyalty.

We believe in:

  • The power of observation
  • Understanding before executing
  • Having conviction
  • Simplicity
  • The details

About Mike

Masson Founder and Creative Director Mike Phillips got his start in journalism. This is where he learned the fundamentals of powerful storytelling—dig for the truth, validate that truth, and tell it in a moving way.

From there, he went to the dark side. Advertising. Beginning as a copywriter, then creative and content strategist, and creative director. Mike has worked with some of the most progressive brands in business with a goal of making their voices heard, while giving their customers every reason to believe in what matters.