The importance of branding and content in B2B

Ten years ago, the B2B sector didn't think too much about branding. They didn't have to. But that changed dramatically in the mid-2010’s when millennials became the largest generation in the U.S labor force. Then, and even more so now, this generation moved into decision-making roles—60% of B2B tech buyers are millennials*. And following right around the corner, Gen Z.

Why is this so significant?

These generations have been raised by strong branding. It's what they know and what they expect. They will naturally gravitate toward brands that, in many ways, reflect a B2C posture—in how they sound, look and communicate. 

That includes the content they consume during their research and purchasing journeys. That helps explain why 70% of marketers are actively investing in content marketing, across channels**. The truth is, B2B marketing is evolving, with a stronger emphasis on creating brand affinity, and extending brands into more channels with richer content.

Consumers who read a brand’s educational content are 131% more likely to purchase from that brand.

-Search Engine Watch


*TrustRadius, 2020
**HubSpot, 2020



The number of distinct channels that B2B customers use during their decision journey, up from 5 in 2016


3 Simple Questions for a Successful Content Marketing Strategy